We exist to serve, love, and lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is how we like to describe the disciple making mission of Jesus. The apex of history centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. After his resurrection, he commissioned his first followers:
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:18-20
We believe that Jesus set this up as the mission of every local church until He returns and brings His work of redemption to perfect completion. His Great Commission IS our mission through all of life.
Crossway fox Valley is a gathering of Jesus followers committed to shining him and his good news (the gospel) in North Aurora and the greater Fox Valley area. Our prayer is that anyone we meet will experience the love of Jesus as we spend time with him, become more like him, and learn to do as he does in all of life. You’re invited to come follow the Way of Jesus together!
We’re committed to five core values that we believe will fuel our mission…
1. Practical Truth
The Bible is central and authoritative to all that Crossway is about. We are committed to bringing its life-transforming truths to the very heart of people’s lives. The Word of God was never intended by Him to be simply informational but “transformational.”
2. Purposeful Lives
As followers of Jesus, we want to fully surrender every area of life for God’s purposes in this world. As uniquely gifted individuals, we are called to influence our community and our world for the cause of Jesus Christ.
3. Personal Relationships
Genuine salvation, growth, and ministry take place on a personal level within an environment of grace, unity, love, and acceptance. We are designed for relationships with one another and with God through Christ. We believe that discipleship is: Sharing our lives in relationships so that God might lead others with us to salvation in Jesus and growth in Jesus.
4. Pursuit of Mission
We are committed to the missional life of loving, serving, and reaching those who have not yet embraced a personal relationship with Jesus. As genuine followers of Christ we are called to live out and proclaim his good news message and his grace-and-truth character in our world. We are also convinced that this will happen most effectively on a larger scale through the ongoing growth, strengthening, and planting of churches here and around the world (See Crossway Network).
5. Growth in Process
The Christian life is a joyful and often challenging process of growth from day to day. We do not reach maturity over night, but grow as “people in a process” of embracing Christ to become more mature day by day. As we spend more time with Jesus, we become more like him and learn to do what he does in all of life. This happens as we advance through the power of prayer, His word, and His Spirit in us.